
21. Start of my new job

Today is my first day of work, started at about 9am. It's a very nice environment, the people are really nice. And the best thing is i've got a direct bus to my workplace, isn't it convenient. I've got a very nice captain, and he's real good at dealing with different guests as he has 19years of experience in this line. He told me that his shoulder muscles are torn, i guess my job is to help to carry all the heavy stuff while he deals with all funny kinds of people(that will bomb you with all silly questions that u can ever think of). Who knows that my arms might just get bigger by carrying heavy stuffs hahaa. I used to work before serving ns, when i have to stand for about 7hours. But now that i've just restarted this kind of life, i guess i'll need a couple of days to get seasoned. How nice would it be if i can find myself a girlfriend there, hahaa just kidding everyone there is older than me. Oh gosh i forgot to take a picture of myself wearing th uniform today, the black pants that they gave me is freaking big make me look lika hip hop dancer -.-

And tomorrow is my big day, class 2A traffic police test. Please wish me luck people!

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