
22. Traffic police test

Yo people, guess what i've passed my TP test. Unbelievable!! I rushed home to update on my blog, very efficient right. Was super nervous, and i can feel my heart drumming man. Throughout the test i got alot of mistakes, but i think th tester kind enough not to penalise me or he got 'lao hua yen' cannot see clearly ahhaa! I'm like so evil, people so nice to pass me but here i am bad mouth-ing about them. Ok i'm lika joke always, this time when i did my e-brake i jam th rear brake so hard that th wheel lock and engine stalled -.- Well engine stall never mind, start back engine can already. But then i was so nervous until i pressed th horn instead of th electric starter. HAHAA i'm like so pro in clowning! Heng there is no rule in th list saying unnecessary sounding of horn, if not th tester sure demerit my points. Or is it that he didn't hear it cause...?! o.O HAHAA there i am again. Ok la, i'll upload a picture of my licence and some pictures taken in BBDC's toilet LOL!

18years old when i'm owning this mushroom head

Th face like 'bai chi'

Now that i've completed ns, it means i can keep my hair long already. So finally can start to take more pictures of myself. I know my hair now like helmet -.-

If you're still around, you'll get to hear that i've passed my riding test once again.

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