
23. Merry Christmas

Warm wishes to everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you. Blessed with love & luck, may everything go smoothly for everyone~

Hah, it's been quite a while since i last blogged. If you've been wondering why i didn't blogged, the reason is simply because i am working hahaa. Alright my work starts at 3pm and ends at 11pm, so when i got home it's already about 12am and my mind would have already be in a sleepy mode, so i can't think of anything to write. Okay share a couple of jokes with you guys which i came across yesterday.

The first one was this mama couple going to the wrong room. On the card holder it's stated 5231, and they went to 5213. They tried opening the door and told me that it can't open, of course can't open la.. It's the second time i've encountered this kind of 'smart' mama's, trying to act smart and act like they're the king. Actually cannot blame them also, maybe they have to work damn hard and save for ten years before they can go for a overseas trip that's why when they come over they want to act like king.

The second one was again, mama family. Keep asking me to send their luggage to their room when they're still at the lobby. When i finally see them walking away, i went to send their luggage. But guess what, when i've reached they're still not there. And then this guy after settling down in the room he asked me, “ i wan a fresh cup of water" with his trademark(head dancing). I see already feel like slapping him but i controlled myself and told him, " sir u can just drink from the tap." Hello i'm not a maid okay, stupid mama's stop acting like as if you rule the world when you're just stingy and stupid people. It's okay if you don't wanna give any tips i'm fine with it, but keep ordering people to do this do that and never say thank you.

xmas gift from my company

Okay i shall stop here, if not i'll continue to curse them. Need to prepare to go work now, once again merry christmas to everyone who's reading^^

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